onsdag 3 november 2010

Fly Away

The first thing to tell you is that I write in Word in lack of internet connection, the second thing is that I just was served a nice cold Cola. I’m in a restaurant I just got the password for the Internet! Wii! Now im online :) The problem is that the WiFi at the hostel is down, they say it's very uncommon so I guess it's all my fault. It worked as it should (but slow) when I arrived...
Now my food is served, pasta whit vegetables, speciality made for me... to find vegetarian food at this hour is hard (in this day, a weekend I think it would be easy), and if you don't wan't soup and salad its impossible... until now ;) 
I'm at a placed called T.G.I. Friday's, really good pasta :) Now so cheep, but when you been looking for around 1-1½ hours you lower your demands.

I staying at Friendly Fun Franks Backpackers Hostel, really friendly people! Nice place :) It took me 2½ hours and 2 phone calls to Sweden to find it.. and some tears.I hate when I don't find what im looking for ;) Well I eventually found it. One problem was that I did't know where I was on the map I carried around, an other that I had the wrong address to the hostel. The right is Novembra 29. I was going forward and back nearby the train station because i thought the little lake there was the big flood, and so did all people I asked on my way too. It wasn't. 

I have travel to Sigulda today, and there I did the most.. loveabel thing in the world (accept for my daughter!). I was flying! 6 minutes it was ordered, I don't know how many there were, it felt like an eternity and at the same time I hoped it would never end. 
I was scared a little in advance first time and when i got up "high" which meant I did't know if the guy were holding me. I wawed with my arms, he took me down and pointed and showed that was wrong things to do... I pointed and tried to explain what I thought, he did't understand.. I wawed.. and so it went on.
Then it was some other peoples turn, they flew around a bit to, in the same way. Than it was time for the next instructor (the first one had told me that he should take care of the first 3 minutes and then an other instructor should take the remaining 3 minutes). 
He jumped up and flew a little and winked to me to come there to. No way! that was my only thought while I climbed over the soft  wall. It took him maybe 30 seconds to 1½ minutes to convince me to fly whit him, all without speaking. I in some how trusted that guy, he promised to never let me go without any words spoken. So we flew! It was lovely (little scary when we actually got up a bit...) but well... I need more practice to convince my self to fly high.Same instructor and I can go there any time (whit an other.. well... It depends a lot!) to try it out. If I had 3 minutes more after the rest had flew, it had been great, but I hadn't, and it's still were the best thing I maybe ever have done so far! I'm definitely going back! And I would advise all ones I know to go :) But the way, the other people that flew at the same pass whit me was a family whit to kids at the age of 7-13 something. 

I will send up some pictures to, but I upload the text first because of the net. 
Tomorrow I will leave Riga for Warsaw, kind of sad but the people at my hostel is leaving tomorrow too so... That's a reminder to me to check the bus... great idea!
While I'm in to that subject, the train I went on to Sigulda was the slowest I ever have travelled (maybe included the children's trains in the circus...). From their I got lift whit the instructor who lives in Riga so I got "home" too :)

With the first instructor

Whit the second instructor
you promise to hold me? Never release me?

you do? Really? You hold me all the time...?¨

ok I trust you... 

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